Mycoplasma Essay

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Mycoplasma is a tiny pocket of matter surrounded by a cytoplasmic membrane in which inside each cell contains agar. Do to the fact that it does not have a cell wall its life cycle is affected by this and “it is classified as bacteria for containing RNA and DNA” (Jones). Much like parasites, mycoplasma lives within another organism such as a human being and receives its necessary nutrients by the process of exchanging compounds through its membrane. “Reproduction for mycoplasma is quite different from that of regular bacteria” (Jones). Research by the University of Babylon suggests that it reproduces from fragmentation of its DNA since no cell wall is available to divide and reform for a new cell.
Recalling that mycoplasmas do not contain a cell wall, they lack a reaction to Gram stain. Evolving from gram positives which lost their cell wall, mycoplasma “Gram stain result is negative, structurally it is neither, and phylogenetically it is gram positive” (Jones). The average pH for this Genus, that does not require oxygen, ranges from 4-8 and its average temperature growth ranges fro...

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