My ideal company

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Before taking this course I have never thought about what company I would like to work for and how the culture in one company can be totally different from the culture in another. The course started and this project in particular started me thinking what I want from the company I would like to work for and what I am willing and able to give.
At this point in my life I don’t think the business of the company is very important and maybe my perspective will change with time but at the moment it is not important if I work for a company that is engaged with construction, trade, accounting or something else. It is important that in this company I can put in good use my knowledge and continue learning and developing and that the environment inspires me to do that. If I am practical I would say that the business of my dream company should be accounting or auditing because I have more practical knowledge in this spheres. My ideal company is stable and constantly striving for success but not at the expanse of the community’s welfare.
The employees are the heart of every company in my opinion and my dream company must be a place where they are perceived as the greatest asset by the owners. It is also a place where a healthy work environment dominates and where employees are encouraged to continue to self-improve. The owners of my dream company can expect loyalty from their employees and continues efforts to exceed their expectations.
In my dream company management will consider needs and interests of all connected in some way with the organization, not only those who have directly financial relations with the company’s profit. Managers will be good role models for their subordinates and good leaders. In my dream company managers actively ...

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...s with proper etiquette and communication. This can lead to very tense working atmosphere in the company and lower productivity. However, in my dream company these relations will be supportive and oriented to communal help in order to overcome the differences people at different stages of their lives might have. I want to work in a company in which management takes actions orientated at answering the expectations of each group and improving comprehension between the different generations and the conjoint aid in solving problems cussed by the distinctions in the generations.
To sum it up, my dream company is quite idealistic. It is a socially responsible organization with corporate culture based on mutual understanding and support. The managers of this company appreciate their employees and encourage their further growth in both their professional and private goals.

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