My Writing Experience

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Growing up in the south assures a person of many things; manners, work ethic, interacting with others, and a confidence in many hands-on skills. However, my lower-socioeconomic upbringing brought to focus menial physical labor, rather than mental or business style jobs. This upbringing led me to believe that writing was for poets, playwrights, teachers, lawyers, and CEO’s, but was not important to my life. This thought process continued throughout high school where I focused vocationally but overlooked writing because I did not understand its importance to my future. Furthermore, after maturing, and attempting to grow personally my lack of writing abilities became extremely frustrating, making me question my self-worth. This lack of understanding …show more content…

Fears such as, that I am not smart enough or that I do not possess the necessary skills to write successfully consistently plague me. These realistic fears are a scary reality as a first-year undergraduate student facing college level writing courses, because, if I fail it is not only myself that I fail, but my family. Furthermore, the amount of time between high school and starting college brings to mind the possibility that the lapse of time is too great and I will be unable to keep pace with the younger students. Also, the numerous writing styles, grammatical rules, and overall complexity of the English language is a large amount of information to retain while working a full-time job and balancing a full family life (Pinker, 2015). Even though now I understand the importance of attaining solid writing abilities, the fear of failure is something that I face every time I sit at the …show more content…

The first achievable goal is understanding the numerous writing styles and what instances there is for their proper utilization (Pinker, 2015). Furthermore, once I grasp an understanding of the different styles I will have the opportunity to develop my own personal style that functions for me and relates well to the future readers of my work. Next, I will strive to present factual manuscripts that clearly and concisely presents a thorough and well laid out thought or information. Finally, and most importantly, I wish to take my frustration with writing and replace it with a confidence in my ability to present information to the reader in ways they can relate to. The aforementioned goals may seem insignificant to others, but they have a definite value to me as a writer in my journey to overcome my

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