My Writing Experience

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Ever since I was a child I have loved reading interesting literature. The very first books I recall picking up as a child were the stories of Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland. I got them as a Christmas present and I remember thinking how lovely it would be to actually understand the words that were printed onto the paper. So I started teaching myself how to read, with a little help from my mother of course. Every time I had figured out how to pronounce a new word, I would run of to my mother so that she could explain the meaning of the word. Looking back on it now, it must have been exhausting for my mother! At age 5 I was reading all of my favorite Disney stories that I had only seen on television before. All through primary school, I was always two steps ahead of my classmates when it came to reading as well as writing. In first grade I was reading textbooks based on the skills of a third-grader. My wonderful teachers never hesitated with giving me new tasks that helped me develop my knowledge. I’m very thankful that they did not hold me back or restrain me. If they had done that, I don’t think I would have had a very good relationship …show more content…

I’m convinced that my well-developed skills in reading and writing my mother-tongue helped me with learning English. I got this theory confirmed later in secondary school when I picked up Spanish quite easily. Today I am an adult and I still love reading books. My favorite genres of books are dystopian novels and fantasy. I also enjoy reading cheesy love stories now and then. Some of my favorite books are Dracula, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, The Kite Runner, Looking for Alaska, Vita Brevis, Game of Thrones and A thousand Splendid Suns. Lately I have been trying to read more classic novels. So far I enjoyed reading 1984, Little Women, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Great Gatsby and The Hobbit to name a few

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