My Work Experience With Disorganized Bosses

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My years of work experience has prepared me in working with a disorganized boss. I found it always is best to stay one step ahead of him or her, by being prepared for the worst or their last minute demands, as they always come first. Their demands surpass the to-do list I may have mentally prepared the day before, or during my morning shower or even during my commute to work. I’ve learned the best way to handle this is to leave some slack time or space on my to-do list for just in case the out of nowhere demands come up..
I discovered as I became more and more aware of the workstyle and patterns both the good and the bad of my bosses, particularly a disorganized one, It was best to adjust, stay prepared and don’t take it personel. I also would not allow the situation to get me so frustrated or wound up and angry to the point that it would impact on my work, as this would not be the first or last time this would this would occur. What often cme to my mind is that I wish I could in some way help him or her to get better organized for the sake of the workplace. …show more content…

The asking of this question is for several purposes, initiate conquering together the disorganization, in bringing up a solution which could possibly get the revised report completed quicker and lastly lettting her know I am willing, and capable of going it alone however my goal would be to get the report completed as soon as possible in order to get back to my other planned responsibilities which are also urgent and have deadlines coming

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