My Thesis Statement

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What I identified form the feedback I got back was that my thesis statement was strong. This gave the essay a strong start by focusing on the main points. Making my points clear to the audience made it easy to identify what it was I wanted to convey. I think I did a good job structuring my essay, to include focusing on what related to the changes caused by the exposure to radiation. The areas that I need improvement in are, to be selective on references and use of words citied. I need to be precise on what information I use in my essay, that requires the appropriate source cited. I think becoming more aware of how much of my essay comes from other sources will enhance my writing skills. When using quoted sources in my essay I need to introduce them appropriately, this can cause confusion for the reader. …show more content…

I will take the opportunity to improve in the areas I highlighted. To improve my use of references, I will make a list of potential references. I will then identify which references add value to my essay. After choosing what reference to use, I will check for reliability. I will provide enough information for the reader so that they can identify the source. According to The Simplest Way to Write an Essay “Find quotes from reputable sources that support what you’ve stated within your thesis and that relate to your first paragraph topic” (Hoyt). Using this information will help me eliminate unnecessary sources. I will also check my essay for uncited sources I may not be aware of, to prevent not crediting sources. To help with the transitions I will take more time about how I want to approach my

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