A Serious Threat To Humanity By Wendell Wallach And Colin Allen

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English 122 has been a challenging class for me to learn about my writing and researching techniques. This essay is about how the assignments help me with my writing and which assignments are challenging for me. In the first few weeks, we were instructed to choose a topic and start to research on the topic that interested us. Frist, we were instructed to come up with a thesis for our research paper. We learned about how to find and evaluate the material we found through the databases. The librarians from the ‘library live’ session was very helpful. They are well prepared and ready to give as much as possible for us to use different databases. I learned to effectively use “Academic Search Complete”, “Opposing Viewpoints in Context”, “Films …show more content…

We had to find academic articles and popular articles. It is important to distinguish between a popular and scholarly article, but not all articles are credible. I learned how to find credibility in articles by finding the publication date, author’s credential, works references, and lengths of the articles. I started to work on the thesis and developed reasons to support my thesis. I also came up with reasons and found more articles as I go through the process. Then, we learned to identify the thesis for the article “Autonomous Robotic Technology Could Pose A Serious Threat to Humanity” by Wendell Wallach and Colin Allen. The instructor showed us a reading about “Ethos, Pathos, and Logos” and instructed us how to use them effectively. From there, I started to develop some of the argument that I could use in my …show more content…

It was quite challenging for me because the research process was long and I wasn’t read the articles carefully enough. After I gathered all the article I was lucky to find many goods points from the articles to support my point. It is better to have many resources to use for the final essay, so I was trying to carefully maximize the use of those articles. It is important to find the article so that can be evidence to support my argument. I was having hard time to distinguigh between primary source and secondary source. The librarian was very helpful in help me to find a primary source to use for my

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