Robots Advantages And Disadvantages

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Robots are one of the artificial intelligence that made a breakthrough across all fields of life. In consequence, many research studies and projects regarding robots took place in the last decade. In addition, robots in the society could be one of the essential machines, due to their multitask system which could adjusted to any kind of performance. In general society could use these machines to fill manpower gap in short time with less cost. Therefore, robots can have huge positive effects on different fields of life such as emergency situations, daily chores, and manufacturing industry. In case of emergencies, robots could reduce the percentage of fatal damages that occurs through these cases. In fact, humans’ lives are much valuable and precious rather than robots, in which societies could use robots to scarify through the dangerous situation for the sake of rescuing people. In addition, dangerous situations such as firefighting or earthquake require much effort, precision, and scarifying in the evacuation process. Furthermore, a beneficial feature that could help robots to coexist through the risky situations easily and preform the rescuing mission perfectly is that robots do not have feelings or emotions. According to Bruemmer (2006), robots do not have the ability to realize or notify any aspect that people do not programmed them to do. In other words, robots are merely machines that cannot feel or recognize what surrounding them without a sophisticated program done by humans. Therefore, as robots do not have the ability of feeling or knowing they could go through inhumane conditions for saving people. Moreover, robots have various capabilities that make them unique enable them to do heavy duties and bear more serio... ... middle of paper ... ...ts could be exposed to nuclear emission and not be harmed, so they could be replaced chemists who do the nuclear experiments. Third, vehicles manufacture requires sophisticated installation, which demand programmed robots to do the exact job. Moreover, installing vehicles parts mandate welding to wrap the parts as it could be done easily by robots. As Farum (2012) stated that robotic welding is cheaper, faster and could improve companies’ competitiveness. To conclude, robots could be the backbone of the society that will result in a technological revolution. Because of robots various characteristics that do not experience fear, nor exhaustion and they are precisely programmed, which make them able to help in case of need, housework, and factories production. Society needs to put the issue of robots into consideration to satisfy any shortage exists in the world.

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