My Mentor Research Paper

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In life in order to grow one must be influenced by the people surrounding them among friends, family, teachers and co workers and celebrities and everyone at least one person who they admire is very important in a young person's life to have a mentor or role model someone who they can look up too and learn from. The majority of adolescents will claim that their role model is a celebrity. If you were to ask me a year who my role model was I would give you a celebrity in response but this past year I realize that my role model was one of my greatest mentors. Growing up I never really cared about school , I saw it more as a socialize and I always felt bad for the teachers because they were stuck in that one place I couldn’t wait to get out …show more content…

Being in the Stand and Deliver for two years were the best years in my life. Changed my perspective in learning and why it is important to stay in school to develop who you want to become in the long run. As I started the program the thought of wanting to go home never occurred. From Day one I took interested in becoming a better version of myself week by week meeting with my mentor. My mentor showed me from their personal stories and experience that school wasn’t just about math or science or english , It’s more than that school teaches you how to think , life skills , social skills , making friends and memories. As I was more comfortable with the reality I pushed myself to move forward and listen to my mentor’s guidance as they already graduated and know the experience. They wanted me to shine and be big one day. I remember how a year ago I was so behind in my math class had an F- and I honestly felt like dropping out because I didn’t have that hope inside me anymore. My friend Daniesha came to the rescue and talked to me about the program and told me dropping out was not the answer there was many available resources for

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