My Father Research Paper

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It's hard to picture my dad going off to work in a courtroom representing a case and “deciding the fate of people’s lives”, but as a lawyer he has to make these difficult decisions day-to-day. Sitting down with my dad, Jeff Hoover, I was able to gain more knowledge on what being a lawyer is really like, how it affects my dad, and the obstacles he faces in his everyday life away from home. During high school, my dad never suspected he would become a lawyer. He didn't even know what he wanted to pursue after his college education. One thing he had in mind for sure was that he wanted to be in a career where he was able to help people. In high school, my dad was working by mowing lawns and the least of his worries was deciding what job he was …show more content…

“Going to college for seven years wasn't ideal, but it was all worth it in the end” was the response my dad gave to the fact he had to continue on going to school after his already finished 4 years. “TCU didn't even compare [to what classes were going to be like during law school]”. Almost every class he would have to stand up in front of everyone, including the professor, and state his stance on a certain case he was assigned. “It was so nerve wracking, because you had about 100 eyes on you at once”. After my dad got out of law school he chose to practice law dealing with personal injury cases. While picking his practice he had to thoroughly “understand [his] own goals” and “think long term” in order to become successful in the future. According to “Personal injury cases are legal …show more content…

Much more goes into a case than just deciding, if the client is telling the truth, and who is guilty or innocent. Many cases can be extremely difficult not even because of the actual problem trying to be solved, but because of the people involved in the situation. Many people are difficult to work with because “they don't accept the reality of the situation”. People can't wrap their heads around the idea that if everything doesn't go as planned, they might go to jail. This is why being a lawyer is one of the most stressful jobs there is because “you [have] the lives of people in your hands”. My dad really loves what he does but if he could change one thing, it would undoubtedly be for it to not be so stressful. Most people don't understand that as they work with their clients they start to learn more about them and the events that led them to where they are now, allowing a sense of compassion and sympathy to develop. That is why when approaching a case my dad “tries to minimize the effect of the situation for the individual” by doing his best to represent them in a way that would allow him to bring the client back to the “place they were before the matter

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