My Life Of The College Campus

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Baby Steps I remember seeing the college campus on move-in day. The jubilant, golden sun illuminated the ripened foliage of early August and shone in shimmering ribbons across the inviting grass lawn. Adjacent to the grass, the graceful fountain floated in the center of the jade green pond, erupting crystal streams of water. The jets of water from the fountain created a gentle ripple that cascaded across the otherwise still water of the pond and filled the surrounding area with a soothing rumble. Encircling the pond and branching off in other directions, paved sandstone walkways appeared like ornate streets of bronze, and led to grand buildings in the distance. Excitement and opportunity hung in the air; I felt as if I couldn’t open my eyes wide enough to absorb my new surroundings. The college campus was a miniature world, and I was its new citizen. Interestingly, forty whole days later, I have the same feeling of excitement and curiosity that I had on the first day. College, like life itself, is a continual learning experience. In my forty days as a college student, I have learned many important lessons. Being on my own, I have learned to be self-motivated. Perhaps the greatest aspect of higher education is the level freedom afforded to college students. However, the freedom to make choices can often be an overwhelming burden instead of a earned joy. In an extreme contrast with high school, I was not only allowed, but expected, to make choices for myself. I realized quickly that the decisions I make in college will, in many ways, determine my future. Even yet, the paralyzing sensation of doubt coupled with the academic disease of procrastination, makes it easier to avoid making decisions. To defeat my self-doubt, I reframed my p... ... middle of paper ... ...o the way I felt upon arriving at college for the first time, I feel as if college is an institution of opportunity and personal growth. In my forty days as a college freshman, I have learned many valuable lessons that apply both inside and outside the classroom. In only a few weeks, I have learned to work enthusiastically and consistently. I have learned to set goals and have an organized realistic plan that will allow me to reach them. I have gained an increased appreciation for my family and life outside of school. However, despite the fact that these initial lessons are important to my current and future success, these realizations are simply the fundamentals to what I will discover about myself and college in the future. Throughout all four years of my college career, I will continue to learn and shape myself into a better and more-informed person.

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