My Hero's Journey

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Long time ago there was a family, King Jake, Queen Angelina, and the twins Dawn and Luna. A couple of days after they were born a half human half tarantula came by while the king and queen were having dinner and swiped Luna, when the queen arrived she was just in time o try to save Luna, but sadly she died because the monster threw her over the terrace and landed on a rock in the hard cold fog. When the king came in he was to late and saw Luna or Angelina weren’t there. He feared that the princess and their mother died. So, he removed everything about the queen and princess and put it in a dungeon and locked it away and made sure no one ever speaks of Luna or Angelina ever again and made sure no one tells Dawn she had a twin sister. 16 years later, Dawn was outside playing with her friends and Spark her fire breathing puppy. “ …show more content…

“Ella you know were not supposed to talk about it or we go to the dungeon for that.” Mille said. “Oops”, Ella said. Dawn told her friends “I’m going to the Realm of Darkness, don’t tell my dad,” Dawn told them. “Aaaaaa,” Dawn yawned the next morning when she woke up. When she started to go to the Realm of Darkness and got their, she stepped in and night fell. She stepped back out and realized the Realm of Darkness is always dark,cold,and foggy. She started to head out to the waterfall and bumped into an elf named Julian. “Are you Luna?” asked Julian. “No I’m Dawn who is Luna?” Dawn asked. “Oh, you look exactly like her, besides for the hair. Her hair is dark blue and yours is blonde.” He

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