Moonshadow Research Paper

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A seven year-old child lives in China with his mother. This childs name is moonshadow. Moonshadow’s father lives in the United States which Moonshadow calls the land of the golden mountain. He beleivs that the “demons” (white people) live there. Moonshadow has never seen his father because before Moonshadow was born his father started a kite company in the United States to earn some money to benefit them. Suddenly his father calls for him and wants him to come live in the land of the golden mountain with him and work in the kite company. When Moonshadow gets there he is glad to finally spend some time with his father. Others in the company are nice and they show Moonshadow around. Windrider ( moonshadow’s father) treats Moonshadow with lots …show more content…

Not to long after, Black Dog returns from leaving the company because he knew that he was guilty. Since Moonshadow is the double-digit of ten years old now in demon time “whites” he is now old enough to be the bill collector for overdue bills. One day while making rounds, Moonshadow sees Black Dog. Black Dog tries to get Moonshadow of track by telling him why he steals and uses drugs. Moonshadow can already sense that Black Dog is up to something. Black Dog quickly grabs Moonshadow and jerks him to the floor and kicks him with his boots. He steals the money that Moonshadow earned while collecting bills. A while later, Moonshadow wakes up on the floor with his father hovering above him softly talking to him. ANother adult “Lefty” gaurds the doors because Windrider is trying to get to Black Dog knowing that Black Dog caused the problem. Once Windrider calms down, he and Moonshadow walk out and they meet a white lady named Ms. Whitlaw. Moonshadow and Windrider are invited into the home of Ms. Whitlaw for some tea. When they sit down they are calm and they are all gracefully talking to one

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