My philosophy is to enjoy life and try to make it better for those around me. My early life can be summarized easily; I was born a plain white haired blue eyed Ohioan child. Most people just see me as an ordinary teenager, but the truth is they do not see the real me. Just enjoying life to the fullest while I am young is one of my goals and bringing joy to those around. Like everyone else my plan is to get a job, get married, buy a house, start a family, simple, though my life has only lasted seventeen years so far I lived a semi-eventful life. The date of my birth began with an early crisp morning at Southern Ohio Medical Center or SOMC, ironically where my mother worked then and now. The date was May fifteenth, the location was Portsmouth, Ohio, but I now live in Vinton, Ohio. My parents and little sister accompany me in my household. My sister is my complete opposite, I am quiet and reserved while she is loud and outgoing, we were opposites growing up in a small farm area and I am three years older. I grew up to be uncomfortable and see people as untrustworthy, the only “friends” at the time were my cousins who actually affected who I am now. Life is just something to be enjoyed by …show more content…
Life always has a simple or an interesting beginning for all of us and how we grow up can change who we are. The future is coming up fast, but I am just not going to worry about it. I plan to live life the way I want, to live a normal, not boring existence. Life is meant to help others or at least that is my way of thinking. People see me as what they want, to most, invisible or just awkward, others just avoid me entirely, but to some-family, guardian angel to others, just a nice guy trying his best to help them. My name is Peyton Carter and that is my story which is just beginning, the real question is how is your story so
I consider myself a driven, honest, hardworking, compassionate, and dedicated individual. I love to learn, to work, to improve, and most of all to help others. My life goal is to positively impact the lives of others and furthermore the community. While I can not predict how exactly I will do this I start by treating others well, helping out where help is needed, and dedicating myself to my education where I will expand my knowledge and acquire new skills.
My story started the day I step foot in the United State, October 4, 1994. I was lost in an unfamiliar world. My only academic guidance was my father who was a Certified Nursing Assistant. My new family was also composed of my stepmother, my 16-year-old brother, my 10 years old, and my 4 years old sisters. I spoke very little English, and my body was experiencing a culture chock for the first time of my existence. Finally, I was given a counselor while
I was born in the Dominican Republic, November 2, 1982. I lived and grew up in a countryside where everybody knew each other. My childhood years were full of wonderful experiences where I felt loved by my parents and my family. I went to school around 6 years old. I had to walk around 30 minutes to get there from my house. My father was a farmer who had to work long hours in order to sustain our big family. My mother was a housewife; she was in charge of taking care of us. I have five siblings, three boys and two girls. I remember that at that time we did not have many things in our house. We did not have electricity and also we did not have a service of water. I remembered that my father had to go to the river to get water for the necessities of the house. At that time my family was very poor, but my
What is the purpose of education? A question that has been asked for centuries and defined in many ways; each theorist will argue their views on education is unsurpassed, yet it remains a question, that the future of our children depends upon. My personal philosophy of education is to create an environment that allows every child the freedom and ability to discover, create and pursue their interests; ultimately becoming the best they can, for an evolving and unpredictable future. Within this framework, the purpose being to encourage learning through children’s interests, by personalising education for the individual and interlacing subjects to engage and entice learning. While discussing my personal philosophy of education, I will explain the aim of education, consider the role of the teacher and the learner and present effective teaching methods and practices for within the classroom. This essay will demonstrate that Dewey, Friedman, Neill, Noddings, Robinson, and Zhao, support my personal philosophy and prove in contrast with the theories of Skinner and Rousseau.
I’m Sasha Lynnette Smith I was born November 3, 1997 in Magnolia Arkansas at Magnolia Hospital. I don’t recall ever living in Arkansas but I visited every school break in till I got old enough to make my own decisions. My parents Christa McCray and Bobby Smith Sr. had me in their late thirty’s. A year later my parent decided to move to Dallas Texas with my older siblings Randall, Cristopher, and Alexis (Which were older than me by 10 and 12 years). When I was three my little brother Bobby Jr. was born. I start school at birdie alexander elementary school in kindergarten I meet my best friends Jessica and Nydia I lived in South Wins apartments till I was in third grade my parents separated and we moved in a nice house and my dad went back to Arkansas.
As I look back on my life, I can see how a lot of certain events have shaped my life. Where it They helped me become more independent, have some of the greatest accomplishments, and understand the importance of living your own life.
What is meant by Metaphysics? Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, fact and value.
Apple Computers founder Steve Jobs passed away recently, and news outlets paid tribute to him by listing his accomplishments, and playing video of him speaking. One of these clips showed Mr. Jobs delivering a commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005, and the speech included a treasure trove of information. In one of my favorite parts of his address, Jobs said” you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.” (Jobs, 2005)
Research a life goal Although I have many goals in life, these two stick out to me the most. They stick out in every decision I make and they help me make good decisions. What I want most in life is to become a pharmacist and to create a family with someone I love. I want the family most importantly because I was raised in a very tight Greek family.
Ultimately, my life is an intricate combination of my past, present, and future. At all times my life is being affected by my past experiences, present situations, and future aspiration. My past experiences shape how I react in present situations, while my future aspirations influence the present situations that I take on. My past experiences also influence the future path they my life takes. Move over, the path of my life is not linear progression of events, but a complex journey of self-reflection and I experience, reflect, and act in my present
It was on a Friday morning at 4:30 A.M. that happiness and joy filled the hearts of both my parents. I was born on November 29, 1996 at Broward General Hospital in Fort Lauderdale Florida. My parents had five children, and among the five children that they had, I was the third (or middle) child from them. It started off as two boys, then I came along as the first girl, after it was another boy, then finally, another baby girl; so total was three boys and two girls. The way that my parents lived and treated each other was the same as if any other married couple that loved each other so much. They’ve gone through a lot to get to where they are now today, but they made it and along the way had us five children. They have been really strong with each other which made them only have the five of us and no other step children. My mom is a great cook and enjoy cooking for us; this is probably where my passion for culinary comes from. My dad is an amazing tailor, he is very good at making our clothes, and my passion for fashion probably came from him. My dad is also a teacher, one of the best math teacher I know, he is passionate about his job and his family is the center of his universe. I cannot finish this chapter without mentioning my grandmother, I was lucky enough to have ever met. I had spent part of my life time with her, like the rest of the family she is sweet, my grandmother Abelus,
According to, a goal is defined as the result or achievement toward which effort is directed. I have two main goals in life. My first goal is to complete college with a GPA above 3.0; my second goal is to utilize my degree and obtain a career that will support a family and myself. My goals are not impossible, but without certain motivation I do not believe that I could achieve my goals. In order to understand how motivation works with the two goals that I have for myself, I must first understand the different types of motives.
Many people have a stage in their life when they stop for a moment and think “what am I here to do?”. For me that stage in life had arrived a long time ago. I was about fourteen years old, I felt alone, I felt scared, but most of all I felt useless I didn't know in what direction my life was going. I kept asking the Lord to show me, to lead me to what he wants me do to and to shape me into who he wants me to be. When I say purpose most people think about the career I want to have, while having a career is important to me. I feel like that still doesn't complete my purpose. I want to do more for us, for humanity, for our future. I believe my ultimate purpose in life is to help people in need of attention and affection. I think that the Lord has put me through difficult obstacles in life so that I could help the people that went through or are going through the same things that I have left in my past. My motivation for doing this is first of all is knowing that this is what God wants me to do, and knowing that he is blessing me. And then of course is helping the people, seeing their smiles and telling them that they are not alone and that I understand them. And will help them with whatever I can. What I do to achieve my purpose is that I go to many centers, and meet people, mostly children that have been through any kind of abuse.
The summer when I turned 11 years old, my parents had split up. I had chosen to be with my mom for two reasons: 1. My dad was an alcoholic, and 2. I never got to know my mom, mainly because if she had even talked to me my dad would start World War III in our house. Then we lived in Bluewater, New Mexico, for two months. Sixth grade was very friendly to me. I had met my fourth best friend. After my mom finding a jo...
“A student of life considers the world their classroom” – Harvey MacKay. This quote exemplifies what I aspire to become, a student of life. This is a person who is constantly learning, growing, and evolving, and using the lessons they learn as their platform. In order for one to become a student of life, I believe that learning experiences don’t necessarily always have to happen in the classroom. I have found that through traveling and real life experiences, my way of thinking about life and how things happen has been shaped with a broader understanding of knowledge, rather than just by sitting in a classroom and taking notes. I feel strongly that the traditional model of learning is very effective and that there is much to be learned in this manner, however being able to take what you learn and apply it on a much deeper level through visiting new places and experiencing new cultures and cuisines has helped me develop myself further and become a more well rounded individual.