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What is importance of education
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Doctors, engineers, scientists, computer software engineers. In going through my family tree; my father, my uncles, my grandfathers and so on, have all studied hard and cemented successful futures for themselves by working diligently to achieve their dreams. What do they have in common? They are all men. My ancestry lies in the Arab villages in Israel, where women are discouraged from attending college, and acquiring a degree, or holding a viable job, but instead are encouraged to get married at a young age. Marrying at an early age and subsequent confinement to their houses, confirms their acceptance of the typical saying,: "women doing the housework, while men do the outside work," which has plagued the previous generations. However, little …show more content…
I want to attend both undergraduate and graduate school, as I was told from a young age by my parents that education is the most powerful tool a person has, that provides them with limitless opportunities over the course of their lifetime. My goal academically is to receive a doctorate degree in medicine, and then I will go on after graduate school with this degree and specialize in the field of immunology. I feel that with this education, I will truly have the ability to help people; my cousins and people around the world alike. I would love to be able to show my cousins that girls can be just as intelligent as anyone else, and that if they persevere and have the motivation to go to school, they will succeed and be able to. I feel that seeing me graduate from college will help them to realize that the feat is possible, if they try and believe that they can do it. Furthermore, biology is a field filled with cutting-edge research, but more importantly, has the potential to helpfully impact mankind. One of the largest threats the world faces today is disease. By studying Biology in college, and then majoring in it and receiving a doctorate in medicine, I will strengthen my understanding of the human body, how it operates and combats disease, and, in turn, how to help enhance its performance. My uncle was a successful doctor, and would always tell me stories about the people he helped, something we called, “tales from the hospital.” I loved my uncle, and through his stories became inspired to be a doctor like him. He helped my grandmother when she fractured her hip; soon after his help she was able to walk again. My uncle, devastatingly enough, passed away last year on July 24, 2014, after being in a coma for two years. His life was taken by sickle cell anemia, a disease that has tormented my family for years. Another uncle of mine continues to suffer from it, and I have vicariously
Traditional gender roles in the United States and other societies have always been dictated as where the man goes and works for a salary as women stay at home to take of house related work. However, many changes in the traditional family has made gender roles go through significant changes. Many women have gone through college and have obtained college education degrees, which has allowed women to advance their careers. The break down of rigid gender roles and the increase in participation of women in the workplace have granted women more choices in life. The choices many women now have in there career fields has made some controversial views on the intelligence of women achieving the status of their male counterparts The first view obtained in the workplace is the ability to make a even paying field for both men and women. Many constituents have pledge to achieve equality for women through laws forbidding the use of any sexist policies that may constitute discrimination against sex. The second is weather working women have been allowed to working women have the same opportunities rewarded to them as men do. Many political action committees have help perpetuate feminist movements which intended to build equal opportunity workplaces for both men and women however, many questionable issues still arise at weather working conditions have become better for women.
“Never underestimate your own strength. You were born for a purpose and are blessed with the power to achieve it” (Leon Brown). I have this quote printed out and on the wall next to my door so I can see it every day as a reminder to myself. I believe that we all have a purpose on this earth and that everything we go through on the journey there has a reason whether to teach a lesson or set an example. We have places where we want to end up and goals we want to achieve. We set these goals and dreams to help us fulfill the purpose we see for ourselves. I believe my purpose is to help people in their times of need. To fulfill my purpose, I will need to use my personal, academic and career goals to create a pathway to get to where I want to be
In the future, I wish to obtain an occupation in the medical field. I would like to start out by working for a Biology major and working in a premedical field in college where I can use my interest in medicine and my curiosity for knowledge to gain insight that would be needed to become a helpful doctor in the medical field. As I move along in my career, I would like to work my way through the pathway so that I can expand my skills in healing others, such as diagnostic abilities, effectively giving treatment and so on. I want to learn as much as possible so I can fulfill my ultimate dream of helping others that need answers to their medical problems and so that more people can live happily and healthily in the world. I hope to bring happiness to others and allowing people to live comfortably.
Deciding what career you want to partake in life is defiantly not a straightforward task. One has to choose something they love to do because, in most situations, they will be in that career field for the rest of their life. This is why it is very important to choose something that you love to do and have a passion for. If you treasure the job you have, then you will live a much happier life. In my case, I am deciding to go into the field of electrical and computer science because it is something that is close to my heart. It is also important when choosing what you want to do in life to set goals. These goals will help you to strive for something greater, and they will give you immense satisfaction once you reach them. Everybody has their
As I am preparing for a new chapter in my life, I have put a lot thought in about what I want out of life and what to look forward to as I get older. In order for one to achieve anything, they need to set goals to reach for. I have a handful of goals for my future, short term and long term, that I will actively work towards in my college years and beyond. In my time at UW Eau Claire, I plan to be involved and engaged in student activities on campus. Being active will help me meet new people, build a better resume, and have fun at college. At UWEC, I would like to get involved in anything musical, along with various clubs and Greek life. Similarly, another goal of mine is to have a job on campus. Having a job will not only help me make some
All your life growing up, you don 't have to make any big decisions. This all changes senior year when you have to make a decision about what you are going to do with your life after high school. What you choose to do can dictate how you spend your time and money. If you do not make a choice you will not be able to move on towards being a self supporting adult. Decisions are hard to make but essential to keep moving forward.
The roles women typically play in the family may not always be consistent with success in the occupational arena. Staying home to care for a sick child may conflict with an important meeting (Broman 1991:511). Sometimes there has to be a change of plans when it comes to the family. Most people believe that family comes first no matter what. Men 's engagement in paid work fulfills prescriptions of hegemonic masculinity by facilitating their ability to gain status in the public sphere. A man can judge his worth by the size of a paycheck (Thebaud 2010:335). Most research shows that women are more likely to be effected by the household and men are more likely to be effected by their job. Some people feel that the goal is to reach higher on the occupational
Many people tend to set goals. They can set goals for their personal life, academics, or even for their professional lives. You can literally set a goal for pretty much anything you can imagine. I believe that people should set goals, they help you stay focused and want to do better for the future. Goals change all of the time though, because of a lot of different reasons, maybe you found that one thing just really is not what you want to do with your life, so you find something else to do. To me that is just how life is, my goals will most likely change as I am getting older and trying to find what I want to do with the rest of my life.
Society has gender specific roles expected for women and men. Women are limited to the traditional roles of cleaning, cooking, and taking care of children. Patriarchal society, in which men rule, imposes these roles on women (Harrison, 302). Men run institutions and make the laws. In fact, social institutions have an impact on the relationship between labor and gender. Different types of jobs are associated with both genders. Society sees women as caring and emotional. Therefore, expects that women will choose careers such as nurses, teachers, or flight attendants. When it comes to men, society sees them as powerful and without emotion, associates them with power and authority, and expects them to be lawyers, doctors, or chief executive officers. This is a source of inequality because these different associations to jobs generate income differences. Men produce more money than women do because there are fewer women engaging in politics or business careers. Women are not socially expected to perform these jobs: “While women represent 50 per cent of the world population, they perform nearly two thirds of all working hours, receive one-tenth of world income and own less than 1 per cent of world property” (Harrison, 296). Women are as smart as men are, yet they do not have the opportunities to prove that. From a radical theory
Goals are an important part of life. For me, they provide direction, stability, and motivation. I have always been keen to setting goals in my life, long-term and short-term. There have been times where I simply gave up on setting goals because when they would turn out different than I had expected I became a little discouraged. As I have aged a bit more, I acknowledge and understand that this is part of the goal setting/planning and action process. Lately, I have pushed some more short-term goals aside simply because of time restraints, and tiredness. However, I want to make some changes not only for myself, but also for my family. In this paper I will present two objectives and three tasks associated with meeting those objectives. I will do these objectives and tasks for two weeks. Finally, I will measure the success and the outcome from these objectives and tasks at the end.
Throughout my lifetime, goals have always been a determining factor in the way I approach my day. Whether it be making the middle school talent show, or getting a good score on a test, goals have always been there to push me forward. Now that I have entered college, my long lists of goals have been a little more specific. Unlike before, I now acknowledge the specific strengths and weaknesses I have when reaching for them. For this school year, I have come up with three very important goals that I believe will help strengthen and make my first year in college a little more memorable. This year I will use numerous strategies to become better at effective speaking, reading difficult texts, and have a deeper knowledge in the engineering field.
My career goal is to specialize in cardiology or neurology after majoring in biology for my undergraduate years and work with an organization that specializes in either one of those two fields. My life aspirations are to continue to gain more knowledge and excel in a career where I can be financially stable. I love learning; I love it when I learn something in one class and I am able to connect it to the concepts in another class or apply it to life in general. To me, learning is a lifelong process. However, I cannot describe how many times wonderful opportunities were available for me, but I could not take advantage of them because of my family 's financial circumstance.
Someone once asked me what I believed in, what I wanted to get out of life and where I saw myself a couple of years from now…I was speechless, just standing there with a blank look upon my face, guess I looked like a deer in the headlights. At first I was outraged for not knowing what to say, and then I became concerned. Looking back I can say that I was afraid, afraid of wanting anything. I figured wanting would lead to trying and trying would lead to failure, and failure is not an option. A friend once told me I was much better than I thought I was, and he would help me do more in a positive sense, he was the one that helped me realize failure was something I shouldn’t be afraid of.
My goals in life are ultimately to achieve success in life. My goals are to also have happiness, prosperity in every area in my life, and the freedom and peace within to be able to carry out my goals. My goals are also heavily influenced on the hardships my parents have had to endure such as facing ridicule for the simple fact of being immigrants, the extremely difficult time they endured due to unemployment and living in poverty, and the low degree of education they received from their countries. My goals are so important to me because I view it as way out of barely getting by, out of a harder life. My goals consist of me being the first person on my mother 's side to ever graduate from middle and high school. My goals also consist of making my parents proud of their daughter, a daughter that will give them a more comfortable life, one that is not filled with such pain. After seeing my mother suffer from a liver infection which caused her to become sick to the point of hospitalization, I promised myself that day I never wanted anyone to feel as sick as my mother did. No one deserves to go through that much suffering. My dream and passion is to study Biology at the GREAT Bethune- Cookman University and to be a doctor who will not only help my community here in America but also for my families in