My First Semester Of English Class

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My First Semester of English Class: What has Writing About Driverless Cars Taught Me? With my first semester as a college student at Auburn University almost in the books, it has been quite an experience to say the least. I discovered what I what my major to be. I met lots of new people and made many friends. I learned how to work as a college student. I even learned how to stay up late and how to study (Calculus caused that to happen). My English class has also helped me in many ways. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first semester English class. English classes are usually something I dread. We are usually required to read page on page and answer questions that could easily go one way or another. Then we are required to write page after page of essays in the exact way a …show more content…

This type of essay was the only essay we really did throughout high school and that was with AP classes in both junior and senior year. We may have written one informational essay, but we certainly did not write a rhetorical essay. This has caused many of the essays that I have written and really this class in general to be a work in progress for me. A “learning as you go” mentality if you will. This has also made it really easy to see my progress. I have gotten better at using better and more complex word choice. My transitional phrases and paragraph structure has become much improved since the beginning of the semester although I feel that I have ways to go. I have also gotten significantly better at taking an idea and putting an entire essay around it. These essays have also been much longer than I am use to. Most essays were only one to three pages with five pages being a one-time thing, which also was a several month process in high school. So, this class has been very much compressed when comparing it to high school. Overall, I can say that my writing has become much improved when looking back at my high school writing

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