My First Day At Northern State Analysis

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My first day at Northern State College is a scary thought for most kids and some don’t even think that college is right for them. I was one of those kids, but my first day at Northern State made me change my opinion. I never knew if the college life was right for me, I thought high school was alright but nothing special. I was an average student with very little ambition to do my homework or anything really. My focus was on sports and my friends that’s the only thing I liked about school. I knew once I graduated I had to go somewhere, that is the expectations for graduates here in America. For me though I didn’t really know if college would be for me or not. I decided to take a shot at it and see if I liked it. This time I was going out …show more content…

The whole way I was sweating and thinking about the new experiences and who I would meet and if I would get along with people. South Dakota is not the greatest scenic state so the drive seemed even longer than it actually was, I passed some towns that had less than 50 people living there and I was thinking to myself, “what on earth did I get myself into”. My mom and I got into Aberdeen around 2pm and couldn't find the campus, we eventually found campus 15 minutes later and started to unload all of my things. I'm not used to sharing a space with another kid, so I was sort of nervous. I set up my tiny room and looked at it, it was nothing special but I was satisfied. We had freshmen activities the whole day so people could meet and make new friends, these activities seemed really cliche to me but I …show more content…

I knew that college is a step up from high school and I really needed my head on straight if I wanted to succeed. I have never been an outstanding student or been on A honor roll. It was not as if I couldn't have been a great student, but my mindset and ambition were lacking quite a bit. My senior year was a wake up call for me to get my things in order. A couple days later when I had my first class I was very nervous I thought I was just going to be swamped with homework. The professors took everything slow and made it very easy to transitioning into a college level learning environment. The first couple of homework assignments were an adjustment because I wasn't so adapted to think at a higher level than expected. Through trial and error I learned to adapt to higher learning in college. Students at Northern pushed me to become a better student and I soon found myself in the library almost every day working on homework or preparing for tests in other classes. I enjoy learning now and If you put time and effort into your assignments they are not so

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