My Classroom Management Plan

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My philosophy of classroom management is to allow students to be responsible for their own behavior at all times. I believe allowing students to be responsible for their behavior and actions allow them to have a sense of freedom. When students have freedom, they seem to be more successful and respectful. Classroom management is more successful when the class is student-centered. Students should be included in the planning of classroom rules, room arrangement, and communication should flow smoothly between teacher and student. Although the class is student-centered the teacher should be in control of the classroom. The teacher should know what is going on at all times, plan interesting and informative lessons, and be attentive to and meet every student’s basic needs. If student’s needs are met and they feel they have a trustworthy teacher classroom management can be successful. A teacher who plans has fewer classroom management problems.

Young people learn by modeling, experience, and are taught by parents, teachers, and/ or peers. Young people are externally motivated therefore, everything that they do is done because someone is externally rewarding their action or out of fear that they will lose someone’s approval or rewards. They have not learned that everything they do and learn will benefit them in the future. When they become internally motivated they will do most activities for enjoyment, to feel a sense of accomplishment, and/ or have a desire to learn.

The theorists that best clarify my perspective are Kounin, Canter, and Glasser. Kounin’s theory: Instructional Management and Democratic Teaching helps clarify my perspective because I believe that the way a teacher prepares t...

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...them a beautiful glow. Then they are brought back inside, each student knows which animal is theirs because I had them write their names on the bottom of it because some students chose some of the same animals. After the students are excited and have shared their creation it is now time to dismiss them for lunch. I also go to lunch and prepare for the rest of the day.

One year from today, my students know the rules and are still behaving well. My students are involved, participating, excited, and motivated about learning. I do not have to explain the rules or remind them of the rules verbally, all I have to do is look or tap them and they get back on track. I feel like a confident teacher because I have maintained a positive classroom climate and have developed a good rapport with my students. My class is the best class that any teacher could have.

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