My Classroom Management Philosophy

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My personal philosophy of classroom management focuses on creating an environment where children feel safe and where they feel like they belong. I will create this environment for my fourth grade class through making my expectations of the students clear while developing an engaging lesson plan and personable interactions with my students. I developed my philosophy from studying different theorists and based my philosophy on the theories of Glasser and Kounin. Glasser believed that the teacher’s roll in the classroom is that of a leader rather than a boss. He believed that students should be given power in the classroom and that the teacher should share it with the students. I will use his ‘7 caring habits’ specifically supporting and respecting to help my classroom feel safe and welcoming to my students. Meeting the individual needs of my students will be the focus of my classroom management routine. I will meet individual needs by promoting self management and self efficacy in my students by creating an environment that that has predictable and consistent daily routines while focusing on my student’s successes (Shindler, 2010). Having a predictable routine will encourage a success oriented environment and will reduce anxiety and help towards creating positive self efficacy in each of my students (Shindler, 2010). In Glasser’s Choice Theory he talks about focusing on the present and not bringing up the past (Glasser, 2010). Therefore, I will focus my classroom on being goal driven and will help each student obtain their goals. Thus, helping my students have positive self efficacy. I will apply Kounin’s technique of Momentum (Pressman, 2011). This involves the teacher keeping exercises short and moving around the room a lot so...

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... behaviors. It is important not focus on the past so I will encourage the student to bring their homework with them in the future. I will instead focus on the positive goals that I have set with the student. This will encourage future positive behavior.

Works Cited

Glasser. (2010). Choice Theory. Retrieved from W Glasser:
Gurucharan. (2007, Novemebr). William Glasser’s Choice Theory and Reality Therapy. Retrieved from Gurukul:
Pressman, B. (2011, October 14). Whithitness in the Classroom. Retrieved from
Shindler. (2010). Cal State LA. Retrieved from

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