My Childhood Memories

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I am a product of an old farmhouse, a flock of sheep, and miles of exploration. Until I was about four years old, I had only lived in a typical American neighborhood, but my life (A.K.A. my playtime) was changed radically when my family and I moved to my Great Grandparents’ former home. This quaint, little, hand-built farmhouse was truly an experience. There was only one small bathroom, no air conditioning or heating, a bad rodent infestation, and several broken windows. We only lived in this palace for one year, but some of my happiest childhood memories are from this year. Soon after moving to the old farmhouse, I learned of the best perk: the neighbors were my grandparents. Many mornings I would wake up and run outside wearing only my pull-up diaper (I was a bit of a late bed wetter) to meet them as they let the sheep out into the field to graze. When Papa would drive his tractor to plow the field, I would sit on his lap and try …show more content…

We grew a vegetable garden together and ate food that we grew ourselves. I still remember the horrid smells that came from the kitchen as my Mom attempted to can jalapeños. During the winter, we would curl up under piles of blankets next to the fire and my Mom and Dad read us The Hobbit. I was terrified of Smaug and could not fall asleep for fear that the dragon might attack me. We grew closer as a family during these times. As we made repairs to the house together we built stronger bonds. The support I received from my family was so important to grow me into a better person. Without them I would have no foundation. All in all, my time living at the farmhouse was not a pivotal moment in my life in the traditional sense. Rather, it was a series of moments dragged out over a year. In my experience, often the long, drawn-out, and ordinary experiences can form you as a person just a much as one extraordinary hour. The longer experience often subtly forms habits that will last a

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