Wood Burning Monologue

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Wood burning. Black smoke burning my nose. My eyes watering from grief. My family. My home. My life. It was all gone... Woah! Let's just back up a little. See, I live in a small village, and although it's pretty distance from other towns, our community happy. We have houses, stores, food and telly. It’s almost like it’s been squashed down to portable size. With everything you need of course! I live with my Grandmama, Ma and my younger, 7 year old sister Haji. Our village had houses that were like huts, with dusty, dry roads like the Arabian deserts that you’d see in films like Aladdin. The trees were full of fruit, despite the pale green leaves that hung limply beside them. Grass did not grow in our region, due to the scarceness of rain. The blue sky was clear, almost like a pond before you jump into it, splashing water everywhere. Scorching down as per usual, was the sun, determined to make my skin darker than it already was. Now, you’re probably saying, slow down! You just introduced us to some sort of an adventure story with murder and mystery, and then you launch into a bio about yourself? Okay, okay, I get it. You don’t care. We’ll move on with the story… *** It was late and I knew Haji had already gone to sleep. I could …show more content…

Pa’s picture. I make a beeline for the frame, but a wooden beam from the ceiling drops in front of the door, trapping me in. Grabbing the picture by itself, I tuck it into my skirt pocket and start trying to lift the panel. It doesn’t budge. Flames curl up the sides like snakes and it jump away as the wall an ceiling start burning away. Thick black smoke rises, making me cough and my eyes water. All I can see is yellow blaze. The door burns away, with just the burning hot steel hinges left. I jump through the hole, but a tentacle wraps around my leg, burning into the flesh. Crying out, I leap away and run towards the door. Wait! Pa’s picture...its

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