Mussolini's Rise to Power as a Direct Consequence of World War One

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Mussolini's Rise to Power as a Direct Consequence of World War One

Italians were divided on their decision of whether or not join WW1.

Most Nationalists were in favour of joining, and although the King

wished for peace, the government decided to see which side would offer

the best terms. After signing The Treaty Of London with B and F which

offered them huge territorial gains they eventually declared war on

Austria in May 1915. The Nationalist poet d'Annunzio made a speech in

which he showed his enthusiasm for the war, "We shall now fight our

war, and blood will flow from the veins of Italy. We are the last to

enter the struggle but will be among the first to find glory". In

reality although Italy was on the victorious side they did not find

glory and their country was severely affected. Was it therefore

inevitable that someone with Mussolini's' personality and drive would

eventually take power in post war Italy?

WW1 proved disastrous for Italy, the land they had been promised in

the Treaty of London, the deal made with B and F was not given to

them. The people of Italy felt that the government had not delivered

what they had promised. D'annunzio who had initially supported the war

marched into the city of Fiume and took charge in declaration of

Nationalism in Italy. The government did nothing to suppress this

showing their weakness in failing to sort out Italy's problem at this

time, eg the economy and social state of the country.

Economically Italy was hit very badly by WW1, they had relied on

foreign loans to finance their war effort and once the war was over

Italy as well as the rest of Europe was now in state of economic


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...eventual march on Rome. However the march was not

necessary as the King invited Mussolini to form a government, partly

to stop the threat of Civil war but also as he told a confident at the

time, he wished 'To save a cabinet of poltroons and that in Mussolini

he had a Prime Minister who was really a man of purpose who will last

some time and has the will to act and act well'.

In conclusion therefore WW1 had been a huge factor in determining the

future of Italy and Fascism was able to grow out of peoples discontent

with the outcome. However even before the outbreak of war people's

faith in the government was already deteriorating. In addition the

threat of Socialism in Italy was hugely exploited by Mussolini and had

they or any other party had leadership qualities such as Mussolinis

who knows what might have happened.

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