Mussolini’s Consolidation of Power Between 1922 and 25

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Mussolini’s Consolidation of Power Between 1922 and 25

“ It seems that Mussolini from the outset was determined to retain

power in his hand; but he was uncertain of the method to be employed

towards the other political parties and their leaders, towards the

press, and towards parliament”

(F.L. Carsten, an academic historian and specialist on European

Fascism, The Rise of Fascism, (1967)

In 1922 Mussolini had just been appointed Prime Minister after the

fascist march on Rome. However his position as PM was very unstable

there were lots of problems that needed to be overcome in Italy in

order for Mussolini to secure his position of leader. The source

suggests that Mussolini wanted to become a dictator, however he didn’t

pre-plan his methods with regards to other political parties and their

leaders, towards the press, and towards parliament. He was an

opportunist; he made decisions as different circumstances arose. In

this essay I will be looking at whether or not this is a valid


The first thing that agrees with the first part of the interpretation,

that Mussolini wanted to retain power, is his definition of what a

fascist state should be, fascism is based upon there being one

dictator who is strong and powerful.

The Emergency Law of 1922 also agrees with the source. The Emergency

Law gave Mussolini complete control of Parliament for a whole year; he

could pass laws and rule without consulting anyone else. This assured

that he could retain power for at least a year, and it gave him the

power to pass laws that could ensure he stayed in power for longer.

The Emergency Laws also agrees with the second part of the source,

that he was unsure of the methods to employ towards Parliament because

it suggests that he was just eliminating their threat for a year so he

could work out what he actually wanted to do with them, this is

supported by the fact that he passed no laws during this year, the

first law he passed was in 1923.

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