Mussolini's Foreign Policy

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Mussolini's Foreign Policy

Mussolini considered foreign policy to be so important that he acted

as his own Foreign Minister. After 1936 he gave it to his son in law

Count Ciano. Through him, Mussolini still retained control. His

foreign policy was expansionist and was also used to sort out domestic

problems. Frequently he sought to distract attention from internal

problems while at the same time trying to impress Italians with

success abroad. Mussolini tended to be the aggressor rather than the

conciliator, believing it was better to be feared than liked. The main

areas of planned Fascist expansion were to be the Balkans, North

Africa and the Mediterranean was to become an Italian lake. His

methods to win power and glory for Italy were erratic and


His first military involvement was in Corfu. In 1923, 5 Italian

officers were shot by Greeks while drawing up a border between Greece

and Albania. Mussolini used this as an excuse to attack and occupy

Corfu. The League of Nations ordered Mussolini to evacuate but the

Greeks were forced to pay 50 million lira. This showed that aggression

did pay. Only weeks after the Corfu incident, Mussolini sent a

military officer to govern the city of Fiume, which he claimed was

falling into anarchy. He made an agreement with Yugoslavia and Fiume

was finally annexed to Italy. Yet another triumph for Italy. Libya was

an Italian colony where Mussolini ordered a 'hard-hitting' policy.

Free speech and other liberties were withdrawn and in 1926 Mussolini

made a visit with 2 battleships and 15 naval vessels. There followed a

protracted and expensive war that ended uneasily in 1932.

In ...

... middle of paper ... was suddenly awakened to

reality and he declared himself neutral, refusing to help Hitler.

Italy was not ready for a European war. Meanwhile, she sought to

fortify her northern frontiers with Germany for fear of attack. By

June 1940, Mussolini was convinced that Germany would win. After

Germany had invaded Belgium, Holland and France, Mussolini decided to

join the war alongside Hitler. This was a decision that ultimately was

to prove to be Mussolini's undoing and to lead to the collapse of the

fascist state.

Mussolini was shot and hanged upside down with his mistress on April

18 1945. The very man who had introduced to the world the concepts of

fascism and totalitarianism faced an ignominious and inglorious end.

With his death Italian fascism became a corpse and the myth of the

invincible leader was shattered.

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