Musi Music Research Paper

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Music is a vocal or instrument combined in such a way to produce beauty as a harmony or expression of emotion. Music is important to many people and many cultures. Music can help us find the words we can’t say. It helps relieve stress or tension, can bring people together, bring people happiness, and countless other things. No matter how old you are stress is always a problem and one way to reduce it is to listen to music.

Music can have such a big effect on the mind and body especially slow, quiet, classical music. This type of music can slow the pulse and heart rate, lower your blood pressure, and decrease the level of stress hormones in your body. Singing or shouting along with the music you are listening to can also be a good way to release the weight on your shoulders. Sometimes just lying there listening to music while working on a very stressful project can help keep you focused and relaxed. Music is helpful in endless ways but, one of the many things it can do is bring people together. …show more content…

It’s patterns and rhythm bring us comfort. It seems to follow us everywhere we go in life. Numerous people like the same genre of music and like to share or take songs from other people. Many people around the world share their music playlist with others. Sometimes that can create a bond between those 2 people and can strengthen their friendship or frequently people just want to put their playlist out there to help others who might be going through a tough time. People just want to help others by sharing music, to make them happy. Science shows a connection between happiness and

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