Museum Paradigm

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One of the largest issues with this museum is paradigm analysis. They are doing things simply because it is how they have always done them. By doing this they are letting opportunity slip them by and each day they are becoming more and more irrelevant to the community they serve. An issue that we are going to face moving forward is paralysis by analysis. There is simply so much to do and address it is very possible that we will get stuck and not be able to move forward. As director of the museum, I have created the following plan to address the museums issues and help the organization reach a place of prestige and excellence.
I. Revisit Museum Mission
The massive amounts of issues facing the museum are all important; however, the biggest concern …show more content…

Board Member Issues to Address
One of the largest issues facing the board is that many people are copping out of their responsibilities. Annual gifts have fallen off, trustees are leaving the board in retaliation, and it appears there are no fundraising efforts. The first and most important thing for me to do is to sit down with the Board Chair and have an honest and open conversation about the issues facing the museum and what needs to be done to get us back on track. It will be imperative at this step that we both actively listen to each other and reach a point where we can go into board meetings as a united front.
From there we need to establish board positions, such as vice-chair, treasurer, and secretary. This will help to ensure that meetings are appropriately documented and that there are people in charge of overseeing specific parts of the museum. An important aspect of creating these roles will be to create job descriptions that ensure all board members understand their role on the board. For example, what is required as an annual gift, and how they need to be participating in fundraising. As we go through all these changes I will meet with each board member separately and ensure that they can preform all the expectations I am setting forth. At this same time I will also look to recruit new board members so that we have a diverse set of opinions and skill sets on the board. During this process term limits will be established to make sure that fresh faces are a part …show more content…

I would include board members, staff, community members, and donors in this process. I would propose that we keep it simple but that we write a one, three, and five-year strategic plan. The museum has a ton of issues that need to be addressed right away, therefore the one-year plan would be more focused on what needs to be fixed. This can be a little disheartening so I would also like to write a three and five-year plan so that everyone can see that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I think it would inspire people to get involved now, knowing that there are is a solid long-term plan for the museum. I would revisit the plans in every board meeting going

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