Motivation In Motivation

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Motivation is the answer to the question “Why we do what we do?” The motivation theories try to figure out what the “M” is in the equation: “M motivates P” (Motivator motivates the Person). It is one of most important duty of an entrepreneur to motivate people. It is strongly believe that motivating people with visionary and shared goals is more favorable than motivating through tactics, incentives. There are many approaches to motivation: physiological, behavioral, cognitive, and social. It is the crucial element in setting and attaining goals—and studies show you can influence your own levels of motivation and self-control. According to various theories, motivation may be embedded in a basic need to minimize physical pain and maximize pleasure; …show more content…

Building into tasks set a greater level of responsibility, and the opportunity to learn new skills. In advocating making work more interesting, and improving the quality of the work experience for the individual, Herzberg coined the phrase 'Quality of Working Life'. This shows recognition of the work that the staff of the parish council do and rewards them accordingly.
In an epoch of cumulative competition, it is vital for organizations to effectively utilize all existing resources; including human resources. In the workplace, the enthusiasm of employees is imperative to the organization as it is one of the variables that affects the employee output. Fundamental to Herzberg's position is the conception that motivation is a result of personal growth and is based on a distinctive need to grow. What this means is that people find contentment in work that is thought-provoking and …show more content…

Although, the theory was proposed in the epoch of industrial age, yet it is considered as a very useful framework in today’s dynamic business organizations. Blended approach by managers can lead to better appreciation for responsibility which is undertaken by every individual at the workplace along-with more involvement and the better work efficiency. In contemporary business environment, organizations should strive to create inductive environment and develop systems that can help employees to overcome problems as well as help managers to encourage good practices at the workplace in good of both employees and the organization.


Reference Cleland, D. I. & Gareis, R. (2006). Global project management handbook. New York:
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Drucker, P. (1954). The Practice of management. New York: Harper & Row.
Dunn, S.C. (2001). Motivation by project and functional managers in matrix organizations. Engineering Management Journal, 13(2) 3 ,

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