More Uplifting News Essay

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When I retired, 9 years ago, I experienced a new found freedom, actually had time to watch some TV. My first impression was - where is the news? - all I was seeing on the mainstream media was political smut. I was fortunate enough to relocate to an area with a great PBS channel. I can view world news on a multitude of foreign news sites. I get more news about the USA from foreign media sites than I could from domestic channels. When you think about it, that is pretty disturbing. Not reporting the news is as bad as false reporting... It creates an atmosphere of "Information Dominance" which is not in the best interest of the citizenry. It results in the dumbing-down of the populace. That is why some university students can't tell you what countries …show more content…

One Humanitarian aid mission underway now, by the U.S. Navy in alliance with other allied nations and NGO's, is the "Pacific Partnership Mission". This is what America is supposed to be about. The disillusioned, dysfunctional youth of our nation should be exposed to these type of activities. We need to bring back some type of obligatory national service to steer the youth in the right direction... Let them get a look at life outside of America... the real world from a different perspective other than the one being spoon-fed them by propaganda mills masquerading as broadcast news channels. This is America, This is your home country, You should be proud of it. You collectively are America. You are under no obligation to be subservient to pseudo-intellectual shitbirds who are defecating in their own nest. Don't let the race baiters, anti-government and anti-america miscreants wear you down. You do not want to live in the world they are trying to create for you. Read about the U.S. Navy "Pacific Partnership Mission" Regards George

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