Moral Education In Schools

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There are many ways to teach moral development in schools through the education system. Each way has it’s own outcome and looks at morals in a different way. The different ways of teaching moral development in education are character education, values clarification, cognitive moral education, and service learning.
Character Education is a direct moral education approach that involves teaching students a basic moral literacy to prevent them from engaging in immoral behavior or doing harm to themselves or others. Character Education is a moral code that clearly states and communicates to the students what is right and what is wrong. Putting this in my high school business classroom I in force the rules that we have been learning about through their years in school, like how cheating, stealing, and lying are wrong and you should not do it. Some strengths of character education are that you’re teaching the students what is wrong or right in different situation, and promote different values. Some weaknesses of character education are it sometimes is seen as a conflict with the general education curriculum, teachers might not want to incorporate in their curriculum for different reason, and diversity among the different cultures. (Santrock, Pg. 240)
Values clarification is an educational approach that focuses on helping people clarify what is important to them, what is worth working for, and what purpose their lives are to serve. Students are encouraged to define their own values and understand others’ values. This encourages students to define their own values and understand that everyone does not have the same values. In my high school business classroom, most students should already know this well enough that it should not be...

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...pantry. When I was apart of helping collect food for the food pantry or even when I went to the shelter with a group of people to make dinner for the people there, it always made me more appreciative of what I have and what my parents do for me. There are many strengths and weaknesses to this approach, I talked about some of the strengths I had with this approach but another one is that it could boost the self-steam of the students helping. Some weaknesses of this approach would be that some students try everything they can to get out of having to do it, it could also cause some racial problems with students in schools, say a group of kids go to the shelter and help and when they come back they talk about how most of the people there are of the same race and that could lead to racial problems within schools and or within peers outside of school. (Santrock, Pg. 241)

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