Money In The Great Gatsby

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Money, fame, fortune, everyone dreams of these things. It is considered to be a great thing to have lots of money. Money can buy you happiness, right ? As a child you were taught that money can’t buy you happiness. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes the surroundings you grow up in can drastically alter your views on wealth. All money does is highlight your personality. A good person given money, becomes a great person. A bad person becomes an evil person. This point is made clearest in the book The Great Gatsby. On the surface it’s a love story of long lost lovers. However if you look deeply into this novel you will see that everything mentioned above is true. You see good people made into great people and selfish people turn …show more content…

Certain things he does are probably illegal, while it doesn’t directly say this, it is made clear that he has ties to the mob. Typically, mobs aren’t to worried about following the law. So while at first glance it may look as if Gatsby is a bad guy willing to do anything to become and stay rich, it’s quite the opposite. You see Gatsby wasn’t a rich man all his life like certain characters, Tom Buchanan for example. He didn’t even care about money until he met Daisy. When he meets Daisy she is already wealthy, they fall in love, however Gatsby was only there because he was stationed there in the military before WWI. Before he leaves he promises that he will return and they’ll get married to each other. However when he returns he finds that she has married Tom, an extremely wealthy man. So, he decides that if he wants to win Daisy back he needs to become wealthy. That logic is the reason you can tell that he does not have very strong morals. He becomes something he’s not just to try to win the love of a woman. You then have to wonder is Gatsby even actually in love with …show more content…

He isn’t able to see that the Daisy he left all those years ago is not the Daisy that he is with now. He does everything in his life just for her, yet can’t see that she has become a selfish woman who cares only for herself. In the dark and dangerous world Gatsby views Daisy as this shining beacon of hope. He wants this because he thinks it will make him whole. Gatsby is very lucky because he died not knowing the truth about his love. He died only seeing the flashing green light that was his light in a world of darkness. So tying this back to the main point, how did wealth affect him. He is the in between of the two other characters. You have Nick who’s made better because of it and Daisy who is made worse. While how he went about getting his wealth wasn’t very good. He did it in the name of love. He didn’t turn into a selfish person. A man who through the world’s biggest parties every night wasn’t even snobbish or rude. He only had one thing in mind Daisy. So earlier when I said it highlight the best or worse parts of us, Gatsby only thought was Daisy. He didn’t care how others viewed him. So while wealth made Nick better because of his morals. Gatsby wealth caused him to be blinded to the truth that Daisy was no longer the kind, beautiful woman he met all those years ago. Now that you’ve seen the good, and the okay let’s get into the

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