The Great Gatsby Character Analysis Essay

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Cristian Ruiz Quiroz Period 4 English 3 May 9, 2017 Character Analysis Essay In the book The Great Gatsby there is a man who is named Gatsby, he was an unknown man, he was very wealthy but was madly in love with someone. Everyone always wondered where did he get his riches from, they heard rumors but never knew what he actually worked as. No one actually tried to get to know him except one person, but everyone knew his name. No one understood what made him drive towards success except that he made it succeeding. Although, Gatsby felt something missing that drove him insane and he would do anything to achieve it. Gatsby had all money and his fame, but everyone always wondered what did he work as. Everyone who knew his name, and heard rumors as how he got his money. During one of Gatsby party two girls and Jordan said “Somebody told me they thought he killed a man once.”The two girls and Jordan believed that Gatsby became wealthy by killing people. Lucille overheard the two girls and Jordans conversation during a Gatsby party Lucille said,”I don't think it's so much’s more that he was a German spy during the war.” Lucille heard a different rumor from someone else but no one still understand who Gatsby is. A random girl during the Gatsby party heard Lucille and said,” it couldn’t be that, because he was …show more content…

Every single decision he made was toward Daisy. Gatsby was in love with her, but she was married to Tom. Gatsby did not care he just wanted to be with Daisy. Gatsby said,”I can’t describe to you how surprise I was to find out I has I loved her...Well, there I was, way off my ambitions, getting deeper in love every minute, and all of a sudden I didn’t care… if I could have a better time telling her what I was going to do”. After that kiss Gatsby did not care about accomplishing great things. Gatsby only cared about only being with Daisy. Gatsby had redefined his path with

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