Monarchy and Tyranny in Ancient Greece

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In Greece, monarchies were found when the Mycenaeans ruled Greece during the period 2000 to 1100 BC. Monarchy is defined as a system of government where a single ruler has supreme power. The word “monarchy” comes from the Greek words “monos” meaning “single” and “archo” meaning “rule”. This single ruler, known as a king, ruled for life and passed the rule on to his heir when he died. The most famous monarchy was that of King Alexandra of Macedonia who ruled all of Greece from 336 BC.
Sparta had a mixed government consisting of elements of monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. The monarchy, although not a true monarchy, consisted of two kings from separate royal tribes. These kings were subject to the will of the Gerousia and the Ephors and wielded limited power.
Aristocracy comes from the Greek words “aristos” meaning “best” and “kratia” meaning “power or rule”. Essentially “aristocracy” means “rule of the best”. In Ancient Greek history the term aristocracy referred to the social elite – the people with the greatest social status and political influence (Martin, An Overview of Classical Greek History from Mycenae to Alexander, n.d.). Wealth and public conduct were very important. Aristocracy is therefore government by those who are superior both morally and intellectually, and is government in the interests of the governed. In the period 800-500 BC, power in Athens was held by the aristocrats. They monopolised the best land and political power. Social unrest at that time saw Solon (an aristocrat) being appointed to reform the political and economic system. Solon basically laid the foundations for democracy with his reforms.
Tyranny comes from the Greek word “tyrannos” meaning “usurper with supreme power”. A tyrant was a non-heredit...

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...poorer citizens would also be able to exercise their democratic rights and not be penalised because they could not take off from earning their livelihood. Sparta had an element of democracy in that citizens were able to vote in the assembly. However, the Gerousia and Ephors were able to veto its decisions and therefore the democratic element of Spartan society was very superficial.
It can be seen therefore, that monarchy and tyranny were very similar in that they were single rulers. However, monarchy was usually hereditary whereas a tyranny was usually achieved through unconstitutional or illegal means. Oligarchy and aristocracy were similar in that they were rule by a few. Aristocracy however, governed in the interests of the governed as opposed to the oligarchy which governed in their own interests. Democracy is the rule of the people, or in other words, the many.

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