Missionaries Experience

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This semester we have read about all different kinds of missionaries. Some knew they wanted to go into the mission field from the day they were born. Some went because they thought it was the right thing to do. And some did not know why they were going and did not feel a calling. Some were very successful and able to make a lasting impact on the people. But others did not reach the people and had to return. As someone who wants to go into the mission field, learning about all these missionaries has helped me get a clearer picture of what life will be like. It was good to see both sides of their life stories. It is not all fun and games. It showed the really difficult things they went through and how they had to rely on God to get them through …show more content…

Many of the missionaries were apart of the culture and dressed in the clothing to show the people they were serious about them. One example of this was Matthew Ricci. He went to china. He decided to shave his head and wore the garb so he would be apart of their culture. I think this is a big action to take. It says a lot about their character and how much their work means to them. He talks about how there are people in water about to drown. Some men are trying to save them, but on the other side there are some women getting in a boat to go save them. But when the men see the women they say that women should not help and the people are better off drowning. So basically people thought people were better off not hearing about Jesus and the gospel than for women to teach them. They thought that only men could evangelize. I am so glad that has changed now because that is honestly ridiculous. There is no way to validate that statement one bit. I am also so glad there are some men who were willing to stand up and speak on behalf of women. They stood up for what they thought was right and even though sometimes it did not make a difference, they got their beliefs out there and did not care what other people

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