Field Experience: Bellevue Baptist Church

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What is religion? Religion is defined as a system of symbols, myths, doctrines, ethics, and rituals for the expression of ultimate relevance. There are several different types of religions an individual can follow. Often a religion is introduced to a person early in childhood. I attended the 9:20 a.m. Sunday morning worship service at Bellevue Baptist Church, 2000 Appling Road, Cordova, Tennessee.
The Sunday morning service opened with a selection by the sanctuary choir and orchestra, followed by a congregational hymn. Pastor Gaines began talking to the congregation about looking at the vision frame of the future for the church and their mission statement, which comes out of the word of God. A testimony of multiplying disciples was shown featuring Kyle Reno. The sermon given by Pastor Gaines Multiplying Disciple Makers was relevant to the needs of the world today. The sermon came from the scripture of Matthew 28:18-20 and Timothy 2:1-7. Pastor Gaines stated, “Every disciple is called to be a disciple maker. The word of God is completely sufficient at pointing individuals to Jesus...

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