Military Core Values

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If I choose to serve in the military I would chose the U.S Navy Reserves. This specific branch of military appealed to me because it seemed to be very conducive to someone who has a family and other life priorities. The U.S Navy Reserves encourage reservists are free to pursue their own interests out in the civilian sector when off duty, which includes having a full-time civilian job (“About the Navy”, 2015). Similar to the U.S. Navy Reserves, my brother was in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves. Due to his reserve status he was able to stay in the military while receiving an education and having a full-time civilian job. Another reason why I would choose the U.S Navy Reserves is for their core values of honor, courage and commitment. These core values are very similar to the core values of the NASW Code of Ethics (2008), with the ethics being service, integrity, commitment to clients, and competency. Just as the Code of Ethics state a social workers’ primary responsibility is to promote the well-being of clients, in the U.S Navy Reserves your job is to provide invaluable expertise, experience and leadership. …show more content…

The main differences between being an officer and being enlisted in the military relates to upward mobility (“Officer Versus Enlisted Career Paths”, 2015). Enlisted military member are virtually guaranteed advancement if they meet all of the qualifications. Enlisted military members know what they need to do to advance, which is based off of six different factors which determines one's place on a list that ranks everyone in a given pay grade. Unlike the Enlisted military members, Officers are never guaranteed

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