Military Application Essay

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Dear Host family and language instructors, Traveling and potentially moving to Russia has always been a ginormous dream of mine. Whether it is the fascinating culture or it’s people I haven't seemed to get enough. One day I know I will use the language for my career either for the military or for the government. Starting now and using my opportunities at school and with a college major in the language I will be sure to get there. Though as with any two cultures there is a many differences. While abroad I will face many challenges such as homesickness, climate changes, religion differences, and many more differences. As challenging as adapting to a new family and culture may seem with an open mind so we may find similarities within the differences, …show more content…

With the opportunity to become a part of a new community comes a lot of responsibility, and lots of changes. Preparing for such an experience I have began to take leadership roles at my school which is a military style academy. Learning how to be a leader takes a lot of responsibility, both skills that are necessary for not only this program but also in the workforce. Being a leader also means I must be able to handle anything that is thrown my way, whether it is something as simple as commanding a squad or platoon, to something as big as moving across the world. In my free time I am either practicing my cello for orchestra which I've been playing for 5 years, or I'm working on whatever is happening currently with Girl Scouts. I have been in Girl Scouts for 6 years and I've never been more thankful for the amazing group I can call my family and all the skills I've learned. Ranging from business skills to learning how to take action in my community with my Gold Award I'm currently working on. My family, friends, and success is what's truly important to me. I want nothing more than for the ones I care about and my happiness. Happiness fro came comes from success and seeing smiles on everyone's face. My older brother and

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