Middle Adulthood Analysis Paper

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Middle Adulthood Analysis The middle adulthood life stage interview was conducted by, Bonnie McDaniel, David Pearson, Jordan Ivy, and Lindsay Belus. During their interview of Nathan, age 43, they were able to effectively demonstrate the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual developmental stages that accompany an individual between the ages of 35-50. Biological The biological stages for middle adulthood development consist of the physical and intellectual changes that occur during this age. According to Zastrow and Kirst, (2013), “individuals who reach [their 40s] either begin to gain weight or have to compensate by eating less and exercising more” (p. 449). During the interview, Nathan mentioned that he noticed that he does have …show more content…

He is particularly successful in the Mental flexibility vs. Mental rigidity stage, which states that, “[the individual] has arrived at a set of beliefs about an afterlife, religion, politics, [and] desirable forms of entertainment” (Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman, 2013, p. 470). Nathan described a very concrete set of beliefs that he has and described himself as more sure of himself and opinionated than when he was younger. He knows what is right and wrong but is open-minded to things he does not agree with (L. Belus, J. Ivy, B. McDaniel, D. Pearson, personal communication, November 4, …show more content…

During the interview, Nathan was asked how decisions are made in his family and what makes a good friend (L. Belus, J. Ivy, B. McDaniel, D. Pearson, personal communication, November 4, 2014). According to Zastrow and Kirst, “the marriage relationship encourages personal growth [and] provides a setting for the partners to share their innermost thoughts (2013, p. 521). Nathan said that every decision is based on the situation. The main thing is to share everything and live Christ-like. He also had a positive attitude about his friends and how to maintain those friendships (L. Belus, J. Ivy, B. McDaniel, D. Pearson, personal communication, November 4, 2014). His view on family and friends is influenced by his

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