Michael Jackson

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In the 1990s Michael got married, had two children, and eventually had a third child from a surrogate mother. He later divorced and the mother did not play any significant role in his children’s lives. Michael always dreamt of being a father and this was finally his chance to have children he could love and care for. On June 25, 2009 Michael died of overdose from propofol and benzodiazepine after suffering a cardiac arrest. In his autobiography Michael was always aware of how unfortunate it was that other celebrities died of recreational drug use and that he would not do the same. (In his biography it states, many biographies written about him state that, many biographers have stated….however it is not really known) Although Michael’s intention was not to use these drugs to get high or to feel good from the drugs, he just wanted to be able to alleviate his struggle with insomnia and get some sleep and rest. There are several questions regarding Michael Jackson’s personal motivations and choices that can be addressed. Four questions (there are several questions regarding michaels personal motivations and choices in an attempt to explain why he displayed certain) will be addressed in the following section in an attempt to explain why displayed certain personality traits and tendencies. One of the most compelling facts about Micheal Jackson was his stellar career. He was driven to always perform the best he could so one obvious question is: Why was it so important for Michael to perfect his musical talent and career more than any other aspect of his life? Perhaps Michael’s turbulent relationship with his father and insecurities about his changing body during puberty contributed to his need to be superior in his career. According ... ... middle of paper ... ...e) In conclusion, Michael Jackson lived a life that majority of people do not get to experience. He began his career at a very young age and was exposed to adult concepts such as work and sex, while he was deprived of a fulfilling childhood experience. It is evident that his desire to experience childhood activities as an adult was a result of this deficiency while he was growing up. Although Michael was naturally talented, perhaps his struggle with his father, going through puberty, and coping with lack of control over his early career helped and motivated him to succeed and become one of the most popular musical artists in the world. Works Cited Jackson, M. (2009). Moonwalk. (Rev. ed.). New York, NY: Harmony Books. Sollod, R., Wilson J., & Monte C. (2009.). Beneath the mask: An introduction to theories of personality (8th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

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