Mgt 311 Week 6 Team Essay

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While John is under a great deal of stress, he is in the hands of seasoned professionals who all share the same goal, getting John better. St. Luke’s, a medical center geared towards helping veterans, has provided John a knowledgeable health care provider team to help meet his needs. John’s interprofessional team is being put together by John’s primary care physician, Dr. Jackson, and his licensed clinical social worker, Tessa. The team is kept small due to John’s reservations about opening up to people. The rest of his team will consist of a veterans affairs representative to help John seek any veterans benefits he is entitled to, as well as a mental health case manager. Lastly, a CNA assigned to help John integrate into life in a home with others while he tries to get a handle on his depression and Alzheimer’s. Every member in …show more content…

The team assigned to John is important in the process of his recovery since every individual involved in the process will impact the life of John. For example, Dr. Jackson is in charge of making sure everyone on his team is going to give John the proper care that will help John in the long run. Tessa is unique in helping John because she provides essential resources to John ranging from healthcare services to shelters. Tessa assist John in many tasks that are not necessarily her job duty, but she do so because her passion to help John. Tessa also directed John to the U.S department of Veteran Affairs. John wasn’t informed of all the different benefits he could receive from being a veteran until he met Tessa. The veteran affair representatives are important because they provide John with mental health care services and counseling. The veteran affairs break many rules by allowing John to see the mental health care physician

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