Use Of Tone In Lubrina Burton's Shitbag Soldier

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In the novel Shitbag Soldier by Lubrina Burton, Burton uses an authentic tone to present her personality without shame, share her true feelings during her experiences, and convey the reality of being a woman in the military. Burton didn’t hide her true self at any point throughout this novel and without shame spoke about the harsh situations that she encountered. Burton’s tone allows readers to see her personality and build trust in the narrator. Burton shows a cope with humor throughout the novel. In difficult times like this, the only way she can remain close to being herself is with her humor. For example, in Chapter 1, Burton says, “Missouri cannot possibly have scorpions. The drill sergeant must be fucking with us.” (Burton, pg. 9) Burton …show more content…

The honesty in her tone made her a reliable narrator. In Chapter 7, Burton says, “If I fell, and smashed my brain or snapped my neck it would be better for everyone, even me. I can rest and be at peace. Every day of my life has felt like a fight to survive.” (Burton, pg. 70) This was one of the most vulnerable moments in Shitbag Soldier. Burton was completely honest about the way she was struggling. At that moment, we don’t see her strength, but her weakness. Exposing weakness is a difficult thing to do, but because Burton wanted to be truthful with her audience, she showed us this other side of herself. This statement also shows how badly Burton was being treated in the military and how rigorous it truly is. Burton proves to be a trustworthy author because of this moment of rawness. In Chapter 12, Burton says, “Whatever makes me, me, feel disconnected from my body. I feel myself grow cold and numb as I stare into the distance. Perhaps this is a death. I hope that helps. There will be no tomorrow. There will be no more Sergeant Bluff. There will be no more Army.” (Burton, pg. …show more content…

these mental health concerns and the psychosocial issues that often accompany them will continue to carry over into transition back into civilian life.” (Godfrey, pg. 1). 243) Mental health can cause great detriments to daily living and lead to horrible effects. Military women, such as Burton, are at high risk of developing poor mental health. Readers are firsthand to see how Burton’s mental health relies greatly on how cruelly she is treated during her time of service. Repeatedly, we see Burton’s authentic self appear in her exposure to flaws, hardships, and weaknesses. Burton’s use of a vulnerable tone encourages the reader to become even more engaged with the story. Lastly, Burton paints a realistic image of how it is to be a woman in the military. Women were not respected military figures until recently, and Burton was one of the few girls in her

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