Mental Health Internship Report

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In addition to my research experience, I have also gathered clinical/hands-on experience working with adults and children in my community. Being a recent graduate of the Developmental Services Worker (DSW) Accelerated Diploma program at Humber College, I was able to complete two field placements within the Toronto District School Board (200+ hours) and at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (500+ hours). As a DSW student, I learned how to effectively promote the physical, mental, and emotional health of individuals with special needs and dual diagnosis – the co-existence of a developmental disability and a mental health concern. During my internship within the school board, I supported two elementary school students both diagnosed with Autism. During this time I was able to provide 1:1 support, both formally and informally, to encourage the attainment of educational goals and useful life skills. Formally, I was able to develop and …show more content…

This program consists of a multidisciplinary team that provides support to clients aged 16+ diagnosed with developmental disability and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder presenting with mental health concerns or severe challenging behaviours. The first half of my internship was spent on the Inpatient Unit, where I was able to provide 1:1 support to 6 different patients receiving diagnostic and treatment evaluations. My notable accomplishments while working on this unit include, the development and implementation of a Cantonese communication board, social skills training (e.g. appropriate conversation topics and body language), recognition, counselling, and reporting of abuse towards a patient (e.g. abuse inflicted by a family member off unit), and participating in the implementation of a positive behaviour support plan addressing healthy eating and

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