Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act

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I would rather be a little nobody, then to be a evil somebody.” ― Abraham Lincoln’s

Cyberbullying is a act that is repeated multiple times. People are trying to stop cyberbullying like the Megan Meier Cyberbullying prevention act. Although cyberbullying may seem insignificant in the big picture, in a survey conducted in 2006, nearly 1 in 3 teens admitted to being victims of cyberbullying. Kids should be prosecuted for thing said on media sites

Cyberbullying should not be tolerated because cyberbullying can also lead to physically injured (example) Megan Taylor Meier (November 6, 1992 – October 17, 2006) was an American teenager who died by suicide by hanging herself three weeks before her 14th birthday. A year later, Meier's parents prompted an investigation into the matter and her suicide was attributed to cyberbullying through the social networking website MySpace. Lori Drew, a friend of Meier, was indicted on the matter …show more content…

(example) A new study published in Psychological Science on August 19 shows that being bullied as a youth was linked to more struggles to hold a regular job, more health problems and poor social relationships when the victim became an adult.researchers looked at 1,420 children between the ages of nine to 16, and followed up with them when they were 24 through 26 years old. Each participant was surveyed four to six times during the study.

Kids need to stand up for themselves and not let it get to them. Out of context at least, assertiveness is always a good thing. Candidly letting others know what you desire—as well as how you feel—demonstrates personal dignity, self-confidence, and -respect. Moreover, it can make others much more sensitive to the validity, or legitimacy, of your outlook. In effect, you’re saying: “Look, I matter. I need you to take my point of view and feelings into account. Maybe you don’t think my position is as good as yours—but I still think it deserves to be taken

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