Meet The Patels

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“Meet the Patels” is a hilarious comedy that exhibits the issues of race, culture, love and family. The humorous, eye opening documentary is based on a Hindu family whose son, Ravi Patel tries to find his life partner. The 30-year-old Indian/American actor and comedian is fresh out of a breakup with Audrey, his confidential lover and is pressured by the rude awaken that he needs to find a life partner. On his trip to India, his home country, Patel decides to put serious effort to change his relationship status by the help of his parents. The Los-Angeles based actor basically puts his love life under the domain of his parents who plunge him in a matchmaking system. This involves him embarking on dates with Indian-American women from the Patel clan to find his perfect Patel woman. Regardless to his efforts and continuous lamenting of his parents, Ravi, discusses his increasing frustration and his experiences with his sister. Without much success from the process he recognizes a lot of indecisions on his part consequently ending the process. This essay seeks to illuminate how sexuality is discussed in the documentary and illustrates the positive and negative issues portrayed. …show more content…

However, the aspect of sexuality is largely concern with the way individuals express themselves sexually through physical, emotional and social feelings as well as behavior. The documentary clearly showcases that in Indian communities it is not all about a person’s sexuality and their concept of love but mainly about the common understanding shared in their society and the capability of a family to come together. At the beginning, the piece focuses on the Patel’s quest to for love. However, as the filming prolonged, it became more about commitment and compatibility. This depicts that the sexual orientation of Ravi Patel or any other member of this community should consider all aspects of the tradition and the family

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