Mealtime Hand Hygiene Observation Paper

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Quantitative Data Collection Observation of mealtime hand hygiene behaviors occurred during the facility’s meal times, which the assistant administrator emailed to the researcher (7:00, 11:30, and 4:30). One cycle began on different days of the week (Thursday, Wednesday, and Saturday) to determine the adherence to mealtime hand hygiene behaviors under various conditions. All participants received disposable wipes per the facility’s current practice. The researcher observed mealtime hand hygiene behaviors throughout the meal. The researcher began observing as participants entered the dining hall and ended when the participant removed the clothing protector and left the table. Behavior prior to the beginning of the meal was observed but not recorded. If the wipe was placed on table for resident, it was recorded as a visual cue and if it was handed to the resident it was recorded as a nonverbal cue. Verbal cues from healthcare workers were recorded on the Flowsheet for Hand Hygiene Observation (Appendix K). Former participants were observed performing mealtime hand hygiene behaviors during subsequent cycles, but this data was not recorded. Participants were randomly assigned to intervention groups. Both Group A (no visual cue) (n=6) and Group B (visual cue) (n=6) received education and a …show more content…

The data were entered into SPSS by the researcher and were screened for errors and cleaned using established protocols (Pallant, 2013). Frequencies were run on each variable to check minimum and maximum scores and to assess valid and missing data. Missing data were minimal and assigned the code 999 to avoid confusion with the participant’s age of 99 years old. Tests of normality were conducted for continuous variables and all variables were checked for any violation of the assumptions underlying the planned statistical analyses (Pallant, 2013). No violations of statistical assumptions were

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