Math Lesson Reflection

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I was anxious about teaching a math lesson, as this is a subject where I feel the least confident. However, my cooperating teacher was helpful in guiding me toward planning a lesson that would be impactful for the students and that would allow me to experience some success. I think that part of my nervousness stemmed from having to also video myself teaching. I believed that I would be focused on the camera the entire lesson and that this would add to my nerves. What transpired, however, was that I forgot the camera was recording as soon as I started to teach the second-grade students. I was so caught up in what I was doing and by the interaction with the students that I forgot both the camera and after a few minutes my nervousness. I was teaching a lesson on subtraction, …show more content…

Before watching the video, I was not sure I had included the students enough by asking questions and having them interact with me, but the video showed that I did indeed ask plenty of questions of the students rather than just talk at them. My goal had been to engage the students as much as possible in order to keep them focused and interested. Watching the video, it was apparent that I stayed within the time allotted for teacher input and guided practice. At the time of the lesson, I felt like I had been teaching those two components for much longer. Watching the video, I could see that having students come up to demonstrate on the Smart Board added more time than I had accounted for and so I need to remember that when I am planning lessons where I will have students demonstrate their knowledge. I was not sure how I would feel about watching my lesson on a video, but I see now how it is a useful tool for self-assessment. Moving forward, I do not think I will be intimidated if I have to use a video as part of a

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