Mastery-Oriented Athletes

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One of the things that David needs to do to increase his motivation and help him become The Resilient Athlete is to take responsibility for his successes and failures. He seems to be an external oriented athlete, but needs to become an internal oriented athlete to help him be more motivated. Since he never thinks his mistakes are his fault or responsibility, he has an external locus of control. This means he sees his ability as fixed and uncontrollable and therefore rejects responsibility for changing it. To change this, he needs to have internal locus of control because he will see effort as something he can control and then take personal responsibility for it (pg. 67). Athletes who take responsibility for their failures but can control their destiny are more capable of learning from their mistakes and work harder in their future (pg. 72).
Another way to increase his motivation is to …show more content…

He could set learning goals which are personal intentions to improve abilities and learn regardless of how many mistakes are made or how awkward the individual may look during this learning process. (pg. 71). If David made these learning goals, it could help him become more confident and motivated when he achieves them. As a coach wanting to develop mastery-oriented athletes, the coach needs to create a mastery climate in practice to encourage athletes to become mastery-oriented. In this climate, the coach reinforces their athletes for working hard, demonstrating improvement, helping others through cooperation, and believing that each player’s contribution is worthwhile. A coach would not want to develop a competitive climate in David’s case because this climate is where athletes perceive that poor performance and mistakes will be punished (pg. 78). Since David thinks he has no ability this could make him feel like competent in his talent and not be motivated to get

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