Marlene Simon: The Guest Speaker

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The guest speaker, Marlene Simon from the career center, did a great job explaining who she is, what she does on campus, and how to get help. Marlene was very caring and nice as she even told us some of her personal stories about herself. One of her stories included how she ended up working for Mount St. Mary’s and loving every minute of it. At the Chalon campus, Marlene is the director of Career Services & Internships. She helps students achieve their post-graduate goals while still being in school. She knows a lot of different scholarship opportunities and which internship and job opportunities that students may seek. Her staff provide many different resources which include resume and cover letter handbook, practiced mock interviews, workshops, …show more content…

Just like Marlene, she was very nice and it was actually her first time giving a presentation about the library resources. She showed us how easy it is on how to find specific databased sites for articles, citing sources based on the different formats, and also gave us guidance on how to look up books in the libraries. Students can use the library’s research resources wherever and whenever they want with a click of a button on their computer. They first go to the Mount St. Mary’s website, under the Academics Information there will be a libraries section, and on the libraries page there will be many different resources and databases that the students can use for their research papers. From the research databases page, there are different subject resources that the student can use that leads to a different website that has articles based on that subject. The library can also borrow books from the other libraries from different colleges, if there is a specific book that the student may need and when it isn’t in our own library. I have been to the library before many times, but it was only to study with a group of friends in the study room for the upcoming tests and finals. I thought all these resources from the libraries are great and I wish I would have known sooner. Now that I know about all the resources the library can help and provide me with, it will be very helpful for writing research

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