Marital Conflict Essay

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Marital couples are sometimes oblivious to how much their marital conflict effects the lives of their children. Even though there are ways to have a disagreement in an amicable way, many children have a chance to see their parents resolve a conflict in a way that will not have a negative impact on their lives. Many of their conflict deteriorate and escalate into yelling matches, belittling, and sometimes domestic violence. Children who are consistently exposed to this kind of behavior will not be equipped to handle conflict in their own relationships and lives and repeat a pattern that they learned in their household. According to Rafiq and Rafiq (2017) marital conflicts significantly affect the child development, therefore resolution …show more content…

Parents experiencing marital conflict are so consumed in the conflict they do not realize that their children are subconsciously focused on how they are treating one another and they will inevitably mirror the actions of their parents at some point in their lives. There are many factors that can lead to marital conflict. The age of the couple can be a factor. Young couples may have yet to learn the skills needed to resolve marital conflict. Income also plays a role in marital conflict. Money is probably the most common cause of marital conflict. Some other issues include illness, unemployment, death, infertility, and infidelity. All these things that the parents are conflicting about spills over into the lives of their children. During those times of conflict it is important that they remember the vows of for better or worse, richer or poorer, and in sickness and in health. This is where faith in God and his instruction on marriage can be a conflict resolution in itself. Parents should exhibit the values of marriage that are presented in the Bible. The compassion of love that God commands should be what children are exposed to. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7, ESV). Children need and want to feel a sense of security. So, naturally their response to their parent’s marital conflict is to gain a sense of security emotionally and potentially feel as they must be the mediator to the conflict to help with their own adjustment. Parents need to learn to model healthy methods of solving their problems so that their children can benefit from it in the long run. Marital couples can benefit from counseling, parenting classes, and other aspects that can help them

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