Marilyn Monroe Personality Analysis

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issues and had threatened suicide before (Bell, 2014). However, while she did suffer from many issues, it was said that around this time she was in good spirits. She had been planning for the future and seemed to be looking forward to it. Marilyn Monroe was a deeply troubled woman and I believe that in applying a Psychoanalytic Perspective to her life, the first theorist that comes to mind is Erik Erickson and his stage theory of personality. In applying his theory we see that we can assess Marilyn’s personality through Erickson’s psychosocial stages of “Identity vs. Role Confusion” and “Intimacy vs. Isolation” (Friedman & Schustack 133-134). Marilyn’s childhood, the most critical time in any child’s life when any and all relationships are crucial to their healthy development proved to be the catalyst for her later problems in life as evident by the lack of any solid and …show more content…

With this approach, scoring her on the five dimensions of the Trait Perspective could capture Marilyn’s personality. In assessing Marilyn’s traits, it would be easy to grade her on the different dimensions of personality. In applying “The Big Five Model”, Marilyn would score low in conscientiousness and agreeableness and highest in the traits of extroversion, openness, and neuroticism (Friedman & Schustack, 264). Marilyn created an outgoing persona that belied her true personality where she was able to hide her depression and insecurities that in turn enabled her substance abuse. On the surface Marilyn appeared to have it all, but in always looking to find herself Marilyn became erratic and unstable not only in relationships, but also in her work. Her instability contributed to her impulsiveness and lack of dependability allowing Marilyn’s career to quickly suffer and her life to spiral out of control ultimately leading to her

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