Marilyn Manson Bombing Marathons Summary

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The events that occurred at the suburban high school in Littleton Colorado, on April 20, 1999 were extremely tragic. Thirteen students were killed, many others were injured and the rest of the country was left in shock and sorrow, and everyone was left asking the same questions, who could have done this and why? Anytime a tragedy occurs, society tries to analyze it, but will knowing whose fault it was and why they did it really matter? Even today, when killers are invading movie theaters and bombing marathons, we want to know who, how, and why…. but will knowing any of that change the outcome that has already occurred? Many people think that by knowing the answers to these questions then we will somehow be able to predict or prevent similar …show more content…

We are never going to be able to predict what, who, or how every individual human being is going to react to any given situation; yet, we still ask these questions. After the Columbine Massacre in 1999, many people blamed the actions of the two young killers on the violence that is portrayed in entertainment, specifically in the music of Marilyn Manson, whom the two boys idolized. Of course, it was later proven that Manson had nothing to do with the tragic events of that day, and in response to the blame that was placed on him, Manson wrote an article that was published in Rolling Stone Magazine. The article talks about why Manson thinks that society is entirely backwards, which is because we put killers on the covers magazines and on the front pages of newspapers. Manson believes that is part of the reason others …show more content…

Yet, on June 24, 2015 Billboard Magazine published an interview with Manson, in which he stated, "They put these two killers (Harris and Klebold) on the cover of Time magazine," Manson said. "I've never been on the cover of Time magazine. That's the whole point" (Billboard). So does Manson really believe that society is in the wrong or is he just bitter because Time magazine thought that the events that took place on that day were more important or more relevant than anything Marilyn Manson had done to

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